Kotor Sith Interrogation Korriban
Kotor Sith Interrogation Korriban ->->->-> https://tiurll.com/2twb71
How to Interrogate a Mandalorian Prisoner in Kotor
If you are playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic as a Sith apprentice on Korriban, you will have the opportunity to interrogate a Mandalorian prisoner who knows the location of a hidden weapons cache. This side quest can earn you prestige with your master, Uthar Wynn, as well as light side or dark side points depending on your choices.
The prisoner is located in the interrogation room in the northeastern part of the Sith Academy. When you enter the room, you will see a Sith interrogator trying to inject the prisoner with truth serum, but failing to get any information. You can offer to take over the interrogation and use your own methods.
There are two ways to complete this quest: either by torturing the prisoner with truth serum until he reveals the location of the cache, or by helping him escape by putting him into a catatonic state using the computer terminal. The first option will get you dark side points and prestige, while the second option will get you light side points and prestige.
Torturing the Prisoner
If you choose to torture the prisoner, you will need to inject him with just the right amount of truth serum so that he doesn't fall unconscious but still tells you what you want to know. You can use three different doses of serum: heavy, medium, and small. Each dose has a different effect on the prisoner's health and resistance.
The prisoner has 10 health points and 10 resistance points. Each dose of serum reduces his health by a certain amount and his resistance by half of that amount. For example, a heavy dose reduces his health by 5 and his resistance by 2.5. You need to reduce his resistance to zero without reducing his health to zero as well.
One possible combination of doses that works is three medium doses, which reduce his health by 9 and his resistance by 4.5. After each dose, you can ask him where the cache is and see if he answers. If he does, he will tell you that it is hidden in a cave in the Valley of the Dark Lords, near Ajunta Pall's tomb.
However, as soon as he reveals the location, the Sith interrogator will overhear it and claim that he is stealing your prestige. He will challenge you to a duel for it. You can either accept his challenge and fight him (which will get you more dark side points), or let him have it and walk away (which will get you no prestige).
Helping the Prisoner
If you choose to help the prisoner, you will need to ask him if there is any way to free him. He will tell you that you can use the computer terminal in the room to put him into a catatonic state that will make him appear dead. However, you will need a computer skill of at least 10 to do this successfully.
If you have enough computer skill, you can access the terminal and select the option to induce catatonia in the prisoner. This will make him fall limp and stop breathing. The Sith interrogator will think that he is dead and leave the room. The prisoner will then wake up and thank you for saving him. He will also tell you where the cache is located: in a cave in the Valley of the Dark Lords, near Ajunta Pall's tomb.
You can then return to Uthar Wynn and tell him about the location of the cache for prestige. He will not know that you helped the prisoner escape and will commend you for your skills.
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